2007年7月26日 星期四

A New Beginning

I have been waiting for a long time to do investment.
A painful experience taught me how to reach my deep hidden goal in my mind.
Depending on it, I have been refining my rules again and again.
This time i have confidence to be a winner in the brutal future investion area.

1. follow the rule.
2.keep it in mind.
3.keep good financial management.

2007年5月29日 星期二

work to live or live to work

I am not a successful business man or a buz engineer who earn a lot of money or be famous on something special. when i graduate from school, i try to figure out what kind of work is what i need. What kind of job is my dream work? i think it is a kind of work that don't ocuppy all of my time. i can have day off to go vacation and won't have to do extra work. i can say no!!!...
But i am feeling a little regret about the decision i made ........... while i attend the reunit , i know almost every my classmate earn lots of money. actully when i decide to work in my current company is because i thought i can make extra money from my invest. that 's why i choose to live to work.....................................

2007年5月28日 星期一


it's 2:30 PM. I am at office...........................................
Still have a lot of ordered work needed me to handle them.
but i don't get any fulfillment..


I don't know why? There are so many thing that bothering me a lot....
I got so many trouble. and didn' t know how to handle them.
especally , about my girl friend.
she has been seeking new jobs , but unlukly the jobs she interviewed is not so good for her.
i am tired and losing confidence ...
.......that's all.....
the worst thing is that i started to feel there is no future for us.
so...........good bye....